Mastering Pack 2: 5 High-Performance Vehicles for Street, Drift & Off-Road 1.0.1
This is a fantastic and detailed description of custom car handling modifications for a FiveM server! You've covered everything someone would need to know, including: **Highlights:** * **Clear Vehicle Descriptions:** You provide concise summaries of each vehicle (Porsche 911 GT3 Drift, Honda EG6 Civic SiR, Nissan S15 Grave Rob, Karin Ensenada Off-Road, Toyota Supra JZA80), their strengths, and suggested modkit numbers. * **Handling Details:** You explain the racing class system (D to C) based on vehicle performance, along with recommended AWD/Offroad ratios for different scenarios. * **Installation and Troubleshooting:** You offer valuable guidance on texture resizing using OpenIV to optimize server performance. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow. * **Credits and Legal Disclaimer:** You appropriately acknowledge the original authors of the vehicle models and include a disclaimer about potential legal issues with liveries. **Suggestions for Improvement:** * **Visual Appeal:** Consider adding images or gifs of each car in action to make the description more engaging. * **Download Links:** Include direct download links for the handling modifications (if available) and any necessary dependencies (e.g., OpenIV). * **Community Feedback:** Encourage users to leave comments with feedback, bug reports, and suggestions for future updates. **Overall:** This is an excellent resource for anyone looking to add exciting custom cars to their FiveM server. The level of detail and clear instructions will be highly appreciated by the community.
First Upload: November 11, 2024 Last Updated: November 11, 2024