Heavy-Duty Truck with Functional Dump Bed [Replace] 1

Truck Vanilla Edit


Heavy-Duty Truck with Functional Dump Bed [Replace]

This mod replaces the default HVY Dump truck with a version featuring a moving dump bed. The truck retains all its original functionality, including damage and effects; now, the bed can be tilted. Dirt loads will still appear randomly in trucks as before.

To tilt the bed, stop the truck and press the button used to lower roofs on convertible vehicles (Right Dpad for me).


Please refer to the README file for installation instructions. The text won't display correctly here due to its code format.

Known Issue:

The collision for the dump bed does not move with the animation. Moving collisions seem to only work for hard-coded user inputs like those used by the Forklift. Animations done through ycd files appear to ignore COL position data. A fix for this may be possible in the future, but currently, the moving bed is purely visual; you cannot dump cars, objects, or pedestrians. If you know a solution to this issue, please share it.

Personal Note:

If you need help with animation, I'll try my best, but keep in mind that I am still learning. I'm not a professional animator. This mod represents the current limits of my knowledge. Due to work commitments, I don't have a lot of free time. As I learn more, I will share and provide assistance. Please understand that if you have no modeling experience and request a complex animation with numerous moving parts, it may not be feasible at this time. Please keep requests simple and realistic.

I am including my z3d file for the model and my decrypted animation file so everyone can see how I achieved this. As always, the model is unlocked.


First Upload: November 13, 2024 Last Updated: November 13, 2024