Chevrolet Celta Energy 1.4
If you have any questions about the installation process or the mod itself, you can ask them in the comments section below. We'll be happy to help!
It includes detailed instructions on how to install the mod, as well as information about its features and benefits.
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Chevrolet Celta Energy 1.4
Versão 0.1 16/10/2016 Bugs Corrigidos:
- Rodas de tamanho desproporcional
- Correção de Polígonos
- Ajustes Diversos nas texturas
Convertido e Remodelado por: Cyber Modder
Programas usados: 3ds max e Zmodeler 3
Autor: André e Lucian da Hunter's Brasil Team
Local para Instalação
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Chevrolet Celta Energy 1.4
Versão 0.1 16/10/2016 Bugs fixed:
- Oversize wheels
- Correction Polygons
- Adjustments Various textures
Converted and refurbished by: Cyber Modder
Programs used: 3ds max and ZModeler 3
Autor: André e Lucian da Hunter's Brasil Team
Location for installation
Sign on my channel to download new mods and stay on top of new releases mods.
First Upload: October 16, 2016
Last Updated: October 16, 2016