Impact of Damage
This mod displays configurable effects based on your health.
It has been tested to work with ScriptHookVDotNet 3.1.0 and ScriptHookVDotNet 2.10.10.
-------------------- You can receive the latest updates, support, and send suggestions for mods on the SilverFinish Discord Server. --------------------Requirements
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET
Configurable Options
ConfigChecking (Check config periodically so manual reloads aren't needed)
Ticks (Updates per second)
Effect (Timecycle used for effect)
EffectThreshold (Fraction of health where effect begins)
EffectSpeedIn (Speed for strengthening effect)
EffectSpeedOut (Speed for weakening effect)
EffectResetRespawn (Reset effect strength on respawn)
EffectResetSwitch (Reset effect strength on character switch)
HealthDead (Health points considered dead at)
Copy DamageEffects.dll and DamageEffects.ini to scripts folder
Open DamageEffects.ini in a text editor to configure preferences
- May conflict with other mods that modify timecycles
Change Log
- v2.0.0: Reworked mod, added gradual effect transitions with speed settings, added periodic config checks and fixed an issue where certain systems read the config file incorrectly - INI file replacement is required.
- v1.1.0: ScriptHookVDotNet compatibility, removed health regeneration options.
- v1.0.0: Release.
First Upload: November 11, 2024 Last Updated: November 11, 2024