This appears to be a detailed description of a Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) gameplay modification script called "GameplayFixesV". Here's a breakdown of what the script offers: **Core Functionality:** * **Enhanced Player Control:** * `ToggleFPSWalking`: Allows players to switch between jogging and walking in first-person mode. * `DisableActionMode`: Disables the action mode (slow motion aiming). * `CleanWoundsAndDirtInWater`: Removes dirt and wounds when the player enters water. * **Vehicle Improvements:** * `DisableAssistedMovement`: Disables assisted steering and driving mechanics. * `DisableCameraAutoCenter`: Prevents the camera from automatically centering on the player character while driving. * `DisableFirstPersonView`: Removes first-person perspective option. * `DisableIdleCamera`: Stops the idle camera animation when the player is stationary. * `KeepCarHydraulicsPosition`: Retains hydraulic positions on vehicles when exiting. * `EnableHeliWaterPhysics`: Enables helicopters to interact realistically with water. * `DisableFlyThroughWindscreen`: Prevents players from flying through windshields during crashes. * `DisableBikeKnockOff`: Stops the player from being knocked off their bike easily. * **HUD and Visual Adjustments:** * `AllowGameExecutionOnPauseMenu`: Allows gameplay to continue even when the pause menu is open. * `DisablePauseMenuPostFX`: Removes post-processing effects from the pause menu. * `DisableHUDPostFX`: Disables post-processing effects on the HUD elements. * `DisableSpecialAbilityPostFX`: Removes post-processing effects during special ability use. * `EnableBigMapToggle`: Adds an option to toggle between the regular and zoomed-out map views. * `SetRadarZoom`: Allows setting a custom zoom level for the radar. * `DisableMinimapTilt`: Prevents the minimap from tilting when driving on inclines. * `HideMinimapFog`, `HideMinimapBars`, `HideAbilityBarForNonMainCharacters`, `AlwaysHideAbilityBar`, `ReplaceArmourBarWithStamina`, `HideMinimapSatNav`, `HideMinimapDepth`: These options allow for extensive customization of the HUD elements and minimap display. * **Audio Modifications:** * `DisableWantedMusic`: Removes the music that plays when the player has a wanted level. * `DisablePoliceScanner`: Disables the police scanner audio. * `DisableFlyingMusic`: Removes the music that plays while flying. * `DisableRadioInterruptions`: Prevents radio interruptions from events or missions. * **Pedestrian and AI Tweaks:** * `DisableShootFromGround`: Prevents pedestrians (and possibly enemies) from shooting while lying on the ground. * `DisarmPlayerWhenShot`, `DisarmPedWhenShot`: Allows for weapon disarming mechanics, inspired by other GTA mods. **Additional Notes:** * The script is compatible with FiveM, a popular multiplayer modification framework for GTA V. * It includes options to disable engine fires and smoke (with customizable thresholds). * The "DisableRecording" option turns off the game's replay recording feature. Let me know if you have any more questions about this script or need further clarification on any specific aspect!
First Upload: November 11, 2024 Last Updated: November 11, 2024