Abduction 1.0
Place Kidnap.dll into your "scripts" folder. You will need Script Hook V and .NET Script Hook.
This mod expands upon a kidnapping script that Rockstar Games started but didn't finish. To kidnap someone, enter a vehicle with a passenger and follow the on-screen instructions. Your victim will try to bribe you for freedom with money or attempt to escape from your vehicle if you don't threaten them (aim your gun at them in first-person view). A map marker showing the location of the Altruist Camp will also appear, allowing you to sacrifice your victim for some cash. More features, such as ransoms, are planned for future updates.
JammersXAM - Bug Testing / Mod Thumbnail
Patch Notes
- Initial Release.
First Upload: November 13, 2024 Last Updated: November 13, 2024
- Featured
- Gameplay
- Vehicles
- Weapons