Venomous Space Crusader v1.0

Add-On Skin


Venomous Space Crusader

Hello everyone! This is my second mod uploaded. It's called Venom (Space Knight). It features: - 2 different textures - 2 sizes: human and x1.5 size I hope you enjoy this mod and look forward to my next ones. Thank you so much for your support. If you create YouTube videos, please link my Discord in the description. Any publicity is always appreciated! Thanks a lot everyone!! Installation: Use this mod to use my PEDS as Add-Ons [ADDONPEDS SCRIPT REMOVED] Or replace any Ped by renaming the files to the desired ped, for example: ig_bankman Source: IIIDreamerIII Deviant art: [DEVIANART LINK REMOVED] If you'd like to donate, please feel free to do so. Thanks!
First Upload: November 12, 2024 Last Updated: November 12, 2024