If you have any questions about the installation process or the mod itself, you can ask them in the comments section below. We'll be happy to help!
It includes detailed instructions on how to install the mod, as well as information about its features and benefits.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you find the mods you're looking for and have a great time playing GTA 5!
Before you read more, turn on "Follow Updates" because I'm gonna be updating this. What's up everybody!
I made this skin based of the real version, which the Danish Airforce made for the anniversary of the Danish national flag "Dannebrog".
For this to work you will either have to use this F16 or this F16 (I would advise using the last one) because this is just a skin.
ReadMe Included Installation path in ReadMe
Hope you enjoy.
You can join my Discord server with this link if you want me to change something: https://discord.gg/AwXjHa3
Or if you just want to talk.
What's New In 4.0 - I don't even know
- I changed so much
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Added more detail
Før du læser mere, så slå "Følg opdateringer" til, fordi jeg kommer til at opdatere dette. Hva' så alle sammen!
Jeg har lavet dette skin baseret på den sande version, som Forsvaret/Flyvevåbnet valgte at lave som en fejring på
800 års jubilæet af det danske flag "Dannebrog".
For at dette skal virke skal du bruge en af disse F16 mods denne F16 eller denne F16 (Jeg vil anbefale den sidste) fordi dette er kun et skin.
ReadMe indkluderet Installations guide i ReadMe
Håber du vil kunne lide det.
Du kan også joine min Discord server med dette link, hvis du syntes der er noget galt med skinet: https://discord.gg/AwXjHa3
Eller hvis du bare vil snakke, men jeg vil helst holde sproget på serveren Engelsk, så alle forstår hvad der bliver snakket om.
Hvad er nyt i 4.0 - Jeg ved det ingen gang
- Jeg har lavet meget om
- Fixede mange bugs
- Tilføjet flere detaljer
First Upload: June 27, 2019
Last Updated: September 17, 2019