Enhanced Traffic: Realistic Scenarios for Cargens (SP & FiveM) 3.0 (The Contract) | 3.1 Public Beta Available (The Chop Shop)

Environment Config


This is a great changelog for your Traffic Plus mod! It's detailed, informative, and even includes special thanks to those who helped. Here are some thoughts: **Strengths:** * **Clear Version History:** The changelog follows a chronological order with distinct version numbers (1.0, 2.0, etc.), making it easy to track changes. * **Detailed Descriptions:** Each update includes specific details about what was added, changed, or fixed. This helps users understand the impact of each update. * **Categorization:** Grouping information into "NEWS," "FIXES" and a separate section for special thanks improves readability. * **Emphasis on Community:** Thanking contributors and linking to their profiles fosters a sense of community and encourages further involvement. **Suggestions:** * **Visual Formatting:** While the current formatting is functional, you could enhance readability with: * **Bold headings:** Use bold text for "NEWS," "FIXES," version numbers, etc. * **Bullet Points:** Break down long lists of changes into bullet points. * **Conciseness:** Some descriptions could be slightly more concise without losing information. For example: "Increased Helicopters variety" could be "More helicopter types added to traffic." * **Screenshots/Visuals:** Consider adding screenshots or GIFs demonstrating new features (e.g., a screenshot of the Cayo Perico vehicles in action). **Example Formatting:** **Traffic Plus Changelog** **Version 3.0** * *(See full changelog on Patreon: [link]) **Version 2.0.1** **NEWS:** * Latest GTA Online vehicles added to traffic. * Compatible with the latest Lore-Friendly community vehicles. * TP+ LF now includes an OIV installer (thanks, @w/). * Expanded air traffic with GTA Online helicopters and planes. * ...(continue summarizing key changes) **FIXES:** * Various minor improvements. * Rockford Hills Police Department now patrols the Burton area. **(Add Special Thanks section here)** By implementing these suggestions, you can make your changelog even more user-friendly and engaging!

First Upload: November 15, 2024 Last Updated: November 15, 2024