Merryweather Siege of a Train Depot (Map Editor) 1.0.355.1

Scene Map Editor


Merryweather Siege of a Train Depot (Map Editor)

This map depicts a tactical mission where the IAA and SWAT work together to prevent Merry Weather from detonating a bomb in a metro hub. Police have blocked off two routes, leading you to engage with the SWAT team at the main hub. Remember, hostages are involved, so proceed cautiously and stop the bomb detonation. Good luck!

Requirements 1:

  1. Map Editor Mod:
  2. Script Hook V:
  3. Script Hook

Requirements 2 (Optional):

  1. SWAT Skin:
  2. SWAT Riot Van:


First Upload: November 14, 2024 Last Updated: November 14, 2024